Dear Valued Customers,
BIDC Bank would like to inform to you of some upcoming changes to BIDC SMS Baking service fees and related policies which will be effective since November 2024 as below:
1. Revisions to SMS Fees: The SMS Baking service fee for individual customers will be adjusted from 0.50 USD to 1.00 USD per account.
2. Transaction notifications: SMS notifications will not be sent for transactions below 2.00 USD or 8,000 KHR.
3. Service Termination Policy: To ensure the sustainability of our services, BIDC will suspend SMS notifications for customers who do not fulfil their service fee payment obligations for three consecutive months.
4. BIDC Bank encourage individual customers to take advantage of our free OTT Balance Alert service via Mobile Banking. Additionally, customers engaged in business operations with a significant volume of incoming transactions are invited to register BIDC KHQR merchant service to receive KHQR payment notifications through free OTT Telegram alert sent to your registered Telegram group or individual account.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement these changes. Thank you for choosing and using BIDC's services.
For further assistance please visit the nearest branch or contact us via hotline (☎️) +855 23210044 / +855 319388999
© 2009 - 2025 Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc.